Pink camelia 540 x
Picture of Jane Deknatel

Jane Deknatel

Testing on Christmas Eve

Friday December 24th

Christmas Eve

It rained all day yesterday and all night, massive, fierce rainstorms that we haven’t seen for at least a year.  The mountains received six inches of rain in twenty-four hours, which is unheard of. I left the bedroom windows open, just a crack, so I could lie in bed and listen to the rain in the middle of the night. It felt as though nature was on our side, washing away all negative thoughts of pandemics and leaving grateful mountains in its wake. This morning, wild green plants are springing up around us and flocks of birds are greeting each other in the trees, ready to fly south.

We got up and used the first box of tests, one each. We tested negative. I sank into the dusty yellow velvet chairs pulled around the dining room table and couldn’t speak. We will test again Christmas morning to be certain, but it was over for now. Thank you, God.

A large, very deep pink camelia decided to open itself to the heavens once the rain stopped today. I have a few pots of camelia’s and gardenias in my secret garden, some years covered in flowers, but none in this hot dry year. It seemed to be a sign that life goes on, rain comes to clean the world while natures’ beauty reasserts itself.  A perfect gift for Christmas.

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